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Performance testing of distributed ledger technology

The last few years have seen huge investment into software that brings distributed ledger technology (DLT) to financial markets, but it remains unclear as to whether it will be fit for purpose. In particular, it remains to be demonstrated that DLT is capable of working in intensely demanding, high throughput environments, suitable for financial markets.

  • Editorial Team
  • October 17, 2018
  • 1 minute

The last few years have seen huge investment into software that brings distributed ledger technology (DLT) to financial markets, but it remains unclear as to whether it will be fit for purpose. In particular, it remains to be demonstrated that DLT is capable of working in intensely demanding, high throughput environments, suitable for financial markets. GFT has now announced the results of its independent performance analysis of Digital Asset’s distributed ledger platform. Read the results here!

