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In-Memory Computing for Financial Services eBook: Part 3

Large companies accumulating massive amounts of data need to be able to perform analytics on that data in real time in a cost-conscious manner to ensure a good user experience. In this eBook, Part 3 of the In-Memory Computing for Financial Services eBook Series, discusses how financial service firms are using in-memory computing platforms such

  • Editorial Team
  • December 7, 2017
  • 1 minute

Large companies accumulating massive amounts of data need to be able to perform analytics on that data in real time in a cost-conscious manner to ensure a good user experience.

In this eBook, Part 3 of the In-Memory Computing for Financial Services eBook Series, discusses how financial service firms are using in-memory computing platforms such as GridGain and Apache® Ignite™ in their strategy to improve the performance of asset and wealth management, spread betting and banking applications.